The Complex of Sewu Temple is located inside the complex of Prambanan Temple, exactly in the northern part of the complex. According to the inscriptions that have been found, this temple was built at the same time while building Kalasan temple in 782 AD, according to the Kelurak inscription. Meanwhile, according to another inscription, Manjushrigriha, this temple was expanded in 792 AD. So it can be concluded that the making of this temple in the beginning before the expansion. If looked at the architectural design of the building Sewu Temple, The temple has a possibility to inspire the design of Plaosan and Prambanan Temple.

The name of the temple itself is based on the number of temples located in the complex. Sewu which means a thousand in the Javanese language describes the number of temples that actually consists of only 249 temples, with one main temple and 240 perwara temples. The main temple is in the middle with its four sides surrounded by flanking temples and ancillary temples. On some inscriptions, are written that Sewu Temple was built as a giant Mandala, with the geometry of the building illustrated the universe. In this Mandala, Vairocana Buddha is placed in the middle and surrounded by five tathagatas (personification from the quality of a Budha), namely Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amogasiddhi.
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