Restoration of Prambanan

On May 27, 2006, at 05.55, Yogyakarta and some area of Klaten (Central Java) experienced a very powerful earthquake with magnitude 5.9 on the Richter scale for approximately one minute. This earthquake has a devastating impact, even resulting in 6000 people killed by this disaster. Not only did the victims fall, but also many buildings were badly damaged and the roads were split. Historical buildings are also not spared from this disaster, such as the Sultan’s Palace and some Dutch heritage fortress suffered severe damage. So is the case with Prambanan Temple that suffered damage not only from the materials but also structurally.

Prambanan which is one of the world cultural heritage and become the attraction for the tourists both local and foreign, get special attention to save Prambanan Temple building. Various experts from various circles, such as archaeologists, civil engineering, geology, and geophysics were gathered to research on how much damage occurred at Prambanan Temple. A variety of techniques and methods are used in this study and show the damage that occurs. Some damage such as subsidence, horizontal shifts in the temple, as well as cracks that occur vertically or horizontally in some parts of Prambanan Temple. The results of this study also indicate the cause of this damage apart from the vibrations and movement that occurred during the earthquake, but also caused by the use of restoration methods that indicated less appropriate with the Prambanan area.

Source Borobudur Park
